Hazal Halistoprak

Hazal Halistoprak

School of Business, Economics and Society
Assistant Professorship of Computational Social Science and Social Dynamics

Room: Room 2.017
Findelgasse 7/9
90402 Nürnberg


Hazal Halistoprak is a sociology PhD student and a research associate in the Emmy Noether research project of Gender in the Age of Digitalization (GenDiT). After completing her bachelor’s studies in Turkey (Hacettepe University), she has obtained a master’s double degree in Sociology and Social Research in Italy (University of Trento) and Sociology in Germany (University of Bamberg). Hazal is mainly interested in research areas of gender inequalities and digitalization in the labor market.

Sort description of Hazal Halistoprak’s doctoral research:

Digitalization has been continuously changing the composition of the job-tasks and increasing the demand for professionals of Information Communication Technologies (ICT)-related jobs. On the one hand, decrease in the physical intensity of job-task fulfilment processes and wide change in the organization of workplace that stems from digitalization may lead to newly emerging opportunities in the labor market for women. On the other hand, interplaying with already existing gender beliefs and stereotypes, it may result in a greater extent of gender inequality and discrimination. Using mainly experimental methods, Hazal examines gender disparities in employers’ evaluations as well as employees’ self-assessments of ICT skills to explore both demand and supply-side dynamics of access to the ICT jobs.